Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Waterstone Succulents

I loved these 'plants' and then I saw this quote from the artist and I just loved it I thought I would share!

"I’m quite a perfectionist, so I never put out anything for which I would make excuses. I have a healthy understanding that nothing handmade is ever perfect, though. My experience of owning an Etsy shop and buying from others reminds me that it’s the little imperfections that make handmade items so special. You can’t be an artist without having an appreciation for both the great abilities and limitations of the human hand in craftsmanship."

Click here for Michelle Weddle's shop

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

cuteness of the day

Baby Turkey by Cunningham89
Baby Turkey, a photo by Cunningham89 on Flickr.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fish in the Garden

My favorite website Uncommon Goods has another AWESOME product!
Check out these garden fish!  I love love love these!!  I do not have a garden though :(
But maybe a good Christmas or B-day gift for someone that does!


if I wasn't on a budget

Thing is this is actually really affordable however no frivolous spending for me!
If you want to though you can buy it on Gilt today not a member click here!


Fun with Polyvore

A Simpler Time Edition

Something about this outfit reminds me of a simpler time.  The gauzy dress with rich brown leathers and wood accessories add a nice mix of textures.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Water Lilly 1 by KatBallou
Water Lilly 1, a photo by KatBallou on Flickr.

cuteness of the day

Friday, August 10, 2012

YaHooooOo It's Friday!

Counting down the minutes till 5PM :o)

It's been picking up at work so I haven't had as much time on here for some thoughtful posts in a while!  I'll get back at it soon I hope!

Jump for Joy by Ian D Harrison
Jump for Joy, a photo by Ian D Harrison on Flickr.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Monarch Butterflies

This beautiful insect starts off as a worm!  Okay well a caterpillar..
It's like the ugly duckling story which is one of my favs.
My grandmother loved these butterflies and they always remind me of her!

         BEFORE                                      AFTER
File:Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Vertical Caterpillar 2000px.jpg Resting Monarch Butterfly by jeffsmallwood

File:Nymphalidae - Danaus plexippus Chrysalis-1.JPG

These little guys cover a lot of ground! Check out the migration patterns, no passport required :)


beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Monarch macro by Gallery32/ Trina Baker
Monarch macro, a photo by Gallery32/ Trina Baker on Flickr.

cuteness of the day

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Curiosity is on Twitter - a MUST follow!

OMG so I know we have had other rovers land on mars but for some reason I am totally obsessed with the Curiosity rover.  Also now in the age of social media Curiosity is tweeting!  You have to follow it @MarsCuriosity.  P.S. I totally want that job of tweeting for Curiosity!

NASA sign me up I have a clear background check :o)